Saturday, 27 November 2010

House Hunting

So the time is already here (after only living down South for 2months!) to start house hunting again.

You see, we need somewhere to live next year that isn't quite so pricey- goodbye white flat *sigh*

(google images)

So on this freezing november morning we headed out alongside a friendly letting agent with a small red mini.

Let's just say, some student accomodation smells really bad...and the bathrooms...

But we did find a Jem <3 Whether it will still be available next week or not is another matter entirely.
It was (compared to our cosy white flat) an absolute mansion. The bedroom alone was double the size of mine...and mine is not exactly pokey.

I really should start using my own images, maybe add a few doodles of my own. (might have to borrow my flatmates scanner though, as my electrical devices are pretty bog standard).

Anyway i'm about to go christmas shopping with two of my girlfriends. Let's hope the city centre isn't heaving...

Friday, 26 November 2010

Epic Fail

So I was a bit of a muppet and forgot my last blog's username/ password/ exhistance. So seeing as Nuttypigeon is now taken I have resorted to Freaky Tortoise- Bringing back a childhood creation.

So what's going on?

I'm a Uni girl living in a very white flat down South. I live alongside two boys and a girl. All of which I met one sunny september day (my birthday to be exact). And on that same day I signed a contract that binds us together for 12months.

But hey, gambles sometimes pay off... (and in this case, it most certainly did).

So one is very musical, another very quirky, and another always hyper. Apparently I smile too much, but i'm sure that is just down to opinion.

We're a strange bunch of misfits, but due to the serendipity of us finding really works. (Yes, I enjoy using elipses).

So now I am a soft southern. (according to my tough northerner friends).

Let's just see how it all pans out...